onboarding tele-optometry 20/20NOW Onsite training

Prepare for Training

Your onsite staff is an extension of the doctor and an integral part of the success of 20/20NOW in your office.

• Select and designate a “super user” employee that will be considered the 20/20NOW expert in your practice.

• Reach out to friends and family to schedule practice exams for the Thursday and Friday of Training Week. Schedule them 90 minutes apart

• Provide our team with Full names and Emails of Training attendees

• Block of Schedules of Trainees and any on-site Optometrists

Before we arrive onsite for the 5 day Training we need to know some details about your staff and their skill levels.

We also want you to understand what to expect during the training so you can speak with the staff. A member of our Training Management will hold a 15-30 minute call with you the week before training.

Training Your Staff on 20/20NOW Exams

A 20/20NOW certified trainer will provide 5 days of on-site training for your staff.

During the 5 day onsite training you will learn: how to operate each of the pretesting machines, the EMR and how to enter medical data, the communication systems with the technicians and doctors, the 20/20NOW process and workflow, how to perform manual assessments and trial framing, and best practices for supporting outstanding eye care.

Day 1-3 is spent learning the equipment and exam process.
Day 4 and 5 of Training is spent putting the information together and providing
practice eye exams on friends and family.


Onsite Training Onboarding steps Tele-Optometry 20/20NOW

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!”

-Henry Ford

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Launch Day, All Systems Go!

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